Fans of massively multiplayer online games like to "grind" through dungeons in order to obtain rare materials that they can use to make their characters more powerful (or to create unique outfits for their characters). However, Lost Ark goes above and beyond the typical mechanics of endless grinding by introducing dozens of one-of-a-kind Raid Bosses that are both difficult and distinct. The Achates Trial Guardian Raid is a good illustration of this principle in action. On the other hand, one of the gameplay elements that presents one of the greatest challenges in Lost Ark is not a Raid Boss but rather a Chess Puzzle. This aspect of the game is considered to be one of the most difficult aspects of the overall experience. The solution to this puzzle can be found inside the Phantom Palace, and it is required for players to make further advancements in their collection of Mokoko Seeds; as a result, players do not have the option to skip it. However, the longer a player spends working on the Chess Puzzle, the more damage they will take; as a result, it is imperative that they finish it as quickly as they possibly can. The Initial Step in Solving the Chess Puzzle of the Phantom PalaceIn order for the first phase to be completed, it is necessary for players to match the board so that it is symmetrical.
屏幕截图 2023-03-08 173905.png Players can complete this task by moving the White Rook to the H3 Square (using Chess Notation) or two squares in front of the Black Pawn. Alternatively, this can be done by moving the White Rook to the square directly in front of the Black Pawn. Another option is to advance the Black Pawn two spaces to the right, which would accomplish the same thing. The players will be able to proceed to the next stage of the Phantom Palace Chess Puzzle once they have successfully relocated the White Rook to the location that has been designated for it. The chess puzzle's second act, also known as the Phantom Palace. During the second stage of the Phantom Palace Puzzle, the players will be given the task of rearranging the pieces on the board so that it once again possesses symmetrical qualities. In order to move on to the next stage of the game, players need to place the White Knight either on the C3 Square (Chess Notation) or directly diagonal to the White Pawn in the middle of the Chess Board.

Players have reached a point in the game where using a HP Consumable to restore their health is the most effective way to safeguard themselves against an untimely demise. The players will need to pass through a portal, just as they did in the previous phase of the Phantom Palace Puzzle, in order to advance to the next and final phase of the puzzle. The Phantom Palace Chess Puzzle has reached its third stage at this point. It is possible that this solution will not be successful because some players have already encountered Randomized Phase 3 Puzzles. As a result, players have the option of attempting to complete it on their own or skipping the Phantom Palace Puzzle in the hopes of getting the solution described in this guide. Both of these options are available to them. Players will need to be quick on their feet in order to position the final two chess pieces correctly, as this phase of the game is the last one. The players should move the White Queen to the H6 square, which is one square after the White Pawn and immediately adjacent to the White Rook.


This square can be found one square after the White Pawn


- After the White Queen has been placed, the Black Pawn should be moved to the E5 square so that it forms a diagonal to the White Pawn that is in the middle of the board

- This should be done before the Black Pawn can checkmate the White Queen

- After all of the goals have been accomplished, players are free to exit the Phantom Palace Chess area and continue on with their search for Mokoko Seeds

- This allows players more time to complete the game