Things might get a little more peaceful over the next few weeks as we continue through traditional wrath's pre-patch. However, I'll warn you that when Wrath is released it's going to be a lot worse. It's a good idea to start thinking about and talking to your buddies and your group and sort of start planning accordingly. It's true that planning accordingly likely means paying for an intermediate or lower POP server than the one you're on. Assuming Blizzard hasn't locked.

A few of these servers have been affected as they did to a few of them the server I'm currently on Pagels and medium POP server in Blizzard locked it you guys could not even transfer to this server If you wanted to do I'm not even sure if you can create a new character. It's really the only alternative to being in login queues an hour or more. Things appear to be a bit dire except if Blizzard decides to take action. So, guys I decided to create this video to let you know that I have heard the complaints, I feel your pain. Returning to classic vanilla.

When I played with one of the very, very high pop servers, with extremely long queues to sign in, I'd get up at 3 in the morning, I would play 1819 hours every day. Then I would go to bed around 10 or 11 pm. and I'd fall asleep go to sleep when the login queues decreased and I'd get up when the login queues were at their lowest. I would just ride out the entire wave . I would not log out, which was how I got around the login queues. But like that's not normal. This isn't healthy, isn't it? It's probably just a normal person who needs to get to work or has a family or whatever and you arrive home at 5 or 6 in the night. It's the same as what I'm paying for to play this game I want to just play and there's a four hour login queue and by the time login queue is finished, it's time to fall asleep and start over.

This is simply unacceptable. So, guys, let me know what you WoW SoD Gold think please write a note below and tell me what you think Blizzard do like what is the best solution? You might be surprised that I've not suggested a solution through to the problem in my video. I'm not an expert on server architecture expert. This isn't what I do with in my schooling and is not my specialization However, I can surely be able to identify the issue and it's a problem right so what do you think Blizzard should do to fix this? Drop a comment. Thank you for watching. I truly WoW Season of Discovery Gold appreciate your support. And as always, please make sure to stay safe.