Read all 162 stories5 reactions about Odell Beckham Jr. to Browns, Mut 24 coins Dee Ford to Chiefs trades

I LOVE THIS FREAKING LEAGUE! What do we do to begin? In the midst a wild spending spree that included teams with funds to spend and roster holes to fill, the Giants traded Odell Beckham Jr. to the Browns and the Chiefs made a deal to trade star defensive end Dee Ford to the Niners!

OK, let's start with the blockbuster deal. The Giants traded a top wide receiver to Cleveland for the 2019 first-round selection (17th overall), a 2019 third-round pick, and safety Jabrill Peppers. (Btw an additional player for player trade! Yay.)Denard Robinson, Offensive weapon, Jacksonville Jaguars

The title of offensive weapon is enough to make Denard Robinson an intriguing player to observe during the training camp. The Jaguars identified their fifth-round pick as such after the former Michigan quarterback described himself as an offensive player during team meetings at minicamp. Robinson has plenty of mobility in the open field, and has the ability to be a productive quarterback for the Jaguars. The coaching staff must to come up with an innovative way to make use of his talents which is what makes Robinson such a fascinating case study.

Tharold Simon, cornerback, Seattle Seahawks

Tharold Simon was not a great player in his final season at LSU. A tough cornerback with the ability to play press coverage, Simon was constantly exposed for his inability to use quick foot and lean hips. Lucky for Simon, the Seahawks love big, physical cornerbacks. Simon's season as a cornerback at LSU an indication of his abilities or could the Seahawks discover a way to transform him into a formidable cover player, just similar to the other players?

Johnathan Franklin and Eddie Lacy Running backs Green Bay Packers

Fantasy football owners will be watching the Packers running back's position with a close eye during the course of training camp as well as the preseason. Rookies Eddie Lacy and Johnathan Franklin appear poised to split the workload in Green Bay's backfield, since the two possess different skills. However, one of the running backs may be able to separate himself in the preseason.

Quanterus Smith, Defensive end/Outside linebacker, Denver Broncos

Quanterus Smith would have picked up more pre-draft excitement if he hadn't torn his ACL toward the close in his junior season. Smith is one of the most technically advanced players in the class that is currently being drafted, however the Broncos are hoping that he keeps his power after suffering his knee injury that ended his season. He is he likely take part in training camp? If yes, how efficient will him be?

Cornellius Carradine, Defensive end, San Francisco 49ers

Another injury to be watched in the beginning of the season could be 49ers rookie Tank Carradine and his ACL injury. He appeared to be recovering with a speedy pace as he heads up the draft, but how does he handle the demands of Madden NFL 24 training camp? A fit Carradine in the 49ers defense appears to be unjust, since he has the ability to put his hand into the ground and stand up to get after the passer. He would have been a first-round pick if it weren't because of his knee injury.

Tyler Bray, Quarterback, Kansas City Chiefs

The character aspect has added to the list of priorities with regard to Madden NFL 24 teams following what happened in the past few offseasons. Tyler Bray went undrafted because due to issues with his maturity. It is possible that he come to the right spot. New Chiefs coach Andy Reid has proven to be a great mentor to players who are struggling during his time with the team. Bray's physical skills are impressive however he has to grow to be a better player before he can make it onto the Chiefs roster. If he doesn't make it as the team's third quarterback this will tell a lot about his attitude.

Da'Rick Rogers, Wide Receiver, Buffalo Bills

Another phenomenal talent that was not drafted due to issues off the field include wide receiver Da'Rick Rodgers. Rogers was kicked out of Tennessee for failing to pass drug tests, and also for hitting heads with the coaches. He's big, fast and has the ability to make plays following the catch, but the Bills do not have any money invested in the player as an undrafted one. As a result, the Bills will have to walk a fine line and will have to do everything right on the field in order in order to make it onto the roster.

D.J. Fluker, Offensive Tackle, San Diego Chargers

Philip Rivers can attest to the extent to which the Chargers' offensive line struggled in 2012. The first-round pick D.J. Fluker will have every chance to earn a starting spot on one of the league's weakest fronts. He's not an ideal fit for left tackle due to his heavy feet , and could even struggle at right tackle early in his career. He will have an opportunity to play at a young age but is he ready for it?

Cordarrelle Patterson, Wide Receiver, Minnesota Vikings

The Vikings hope Cordarrelle Patterson can ease some of the burden of Percy Harvin. Patterson is a versatile player using the ball hand, however, he's not quite as Harvin in the majority of aspects in his play. In the beginning of the season, the Vikings are likely to put much pressure on Patterson as they try to make him comfortable with Madden NFL 24 rapidly. It's going to be fascinating to determine how they are able to get him involved.

Ziggy Ansah and Defensive End Ziggy Ansah Detroit Lions

The word "raw" was used in almost every conversation regarding BYU defensive end Ezekiel Ansah, prior to that Madden NFL 24 Draft. The combination of strength and speed earned him a spot in the top five, though this position comes with the expectation of becoming a contributor from the beginning. Given the speed at which Ansah has developed in his college years, the next chapter of his career is sure to be interesting to follow.

Brian Schwenke, Center, Tennessee Titans

The interior of the Titans offensive line has been a huge problem for the team in recent seasons, but it doesn't have to be anymore after Tennessee madden 24 mut coins signed guard Andy Levitre and drafted Alabama guard Chance Warmack with the No.